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Water & Power Audit

This is our specialized service to bring your water supply and electric supply to most economic level. We minutely study your both these supplies and your needs and your procedures and make a fine audit which includes like:

Water Audit

  • We study and determine the exact need of water and resources you already have.
  • The comparative study of these issues gives what is the excess or shortage of water you have.
  • After determining these features, we hunt for the reasons you normally waste and mis-use the water like, leakages in water supply system, old and wasteful toilet flushing systems, un attended overflow waste of water from terrace & ground level tanks, individual loft tanks which people normally throw without using it next day, use of good drinking water in gardening, car washing, toilet flushing, etc.
  • We arrive at a proper solution and conclusion and suggest and recommend proper utilization of the natural resource of water. We submit a detailed report including all this study and our recommendations.

Power Audit

  • We study the whole pumping system including pumps, plumbing and electrical gadgets and determine the exact need of consumption of energy.
  • We check for the consumption and reasons for excess consumption.
  • Wrongly designed piping and plumbing systems can also be a cause for higher energy consumption.
  • We arrive at the proper modifications in electrical fittings, selection of proper pumps, machines and plumbing systems with suitable control and valves

With all these details we submit a detailed report and our recommendations to save energy and trouble-free systems.

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