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Water tank is normally the point of source to collect water and provide it at places wherever required for its use. Unfortunately, this source is always prone to pollution and this pollution

outperforms water purifiers installed later in the supply line. Hence, it is very important to keep the tank utmost clean, free of all sorts of pollutants and then deploy purification systems. This will create a reliable quality control of water and help avoid all sorts of diseases thereafter. Only cleaning will not do; disinfecting the whole environment within the tank, using proper natural disinfectants is the proper way.

This can be done with scientific basis which requires to treat the tank only periodically. Osmosis Autopump India Pvt. Ltd., offers such unique solutions in best scientific manner, right at your doorstep. It is summarized as under:

Water Tank Cleaning Services Offered by Osmosis India:

  • Anti-Bacterial Spray
  • High Pressure Cleaning
  • Mechanized Dewatering
  • Sludge Removal
  • Vacuum Cleaning
  • Disinfection by special Ayurvedic formula.

Water Tank Cleaning Services Offered by Osmosis India:

Our water tank cleaning process is devised to ensure that water in the tank is protected against all sorts of contaminations like dirt, bacterial, fungus or traces of other undesirable substances. The thin layer of Ayurvedic Herbs adsorbed in to the wall faces controls & disallow the growth of these pollutants and this effect lasts for long. We follow a step by step approach to clean your tank as under:

  • Empty the tank by using a dewatering pump.
  • Remove the sludge and muddy water.
  • Use high pressure jet and give your tank anti-bacterial treatment.
  • Clean all inside faces of the tank, soffit & top of the slab with its Man Hole cover properly using high pressure jet.
  • Vacuum drying the tank.
  • Apply special Ayurvedic formula to disinfect all the faces of the tank.

Our belief:

We believe in continuous improvement and delivering best in class water tank cleaning service as and when our customers need us. We live by the thought that there is no substitute for quality, sincerity and hard work.
So, whenever you feel your water tank requires a cleaning – pick your phone and call Osmosis Autopump India Pvt. Ltd. One of the best water treatment companies in Mumbai is now just a call away!

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