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We exist because there is water on our planet called Earth, our home. We can have assured future if we ensure water for use of tomorrow. “Jal hai to kal hai”. If we spoil the water that is easily available today we will extinct fast for want of fresh water, because accessible resources of fresh water are fast depleting due to in sensitive exploitation of the water resources, unsustainable

extraction of subsoil water through uncontrolled digging of bore wells, less and less monsoon, rampant urbanisation, deforestation, greenhouse gases and horrible pollution of natural streams and lakes. Rainwater Harvesting is one of the tool helping upkeep and try to supply fresh water to us using sensitive and sustainable technology for optimum use of available good water. It helps control excess water in monsoon and direct it to the natural subsoil water storage reservoirs and makes it available in event of hot summers and substantiate in scarcity times.

It helps control excess water in monsoon and direct it to the natural subsoil water storage reservoirs and makes it available in event of hot summers and substantiate in scarcity times.The human kind all over the world have deployed various techniques to balance this natural divide of flood and scarcity times. In our country we have our own water harvesting techniques, like Adalaj-Vav in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Jhalaras, Taanka Johads in Rajasthan, Eri in Tamil Nadu, Khadins and Bamboo Drip Irrigation System etc. These traditional systems are time-tested wisdoms and best technologies deployed for Rainwater Harvesting, smartly implemented with water management systems. Now a day the Indian government is exploring means to revive the traditional simple and eco – friendly systems of Rain Water Harvesting in our country.

Water conservation is a key element of all strategies that aims to alleviate the water scarcity crisis in India. For Rainwater Harvesting (RWH), primarily, In this efforts the rainwater is collected from rooftops, terraces, open grounds, gardens, roads, pavements, etc and injects it into the natural sub soil water reservoirs after due filtration and basic purification through its various engineering structures.

Osmosis design group of specific structures like water collecting systems, purification units and water injecting devices using best techniques to suit specific need of the sites and provides RWH through, what is called as AUTORAIN.


At Osmosis India, collecting systems, purification units and water injecting devices is achieved through custom designed schemes & engineering structures with innovative techniques using best class precast concrete rings, filter media, bore wells, civil material and best design logics. The features can be discussed as under:

  • Select proper water flow layout avoiding impurities.
  • Control and direct the surface run off through pipe lines, open drains, collection chambers and sedimentation tanks.
  • Filter and remove turbidity, nonorganic impurities, color & smell present in the rainwater through natural pebbles, gravels and sands.
  • Reduce hardness, organic, acidic contamination through use of specialized filters and activated carbon.
  • Inject the treated water into subsoil reservoirs through bores and ring wells and recharge the natural sub soil water pond, streams and reservoirs.
  • Finally pump out the water as and when needed using efficient pumping devices.
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